I just wanted to take the time and post about each of my boys individually and reflect on who they are and what they love, instead of always posting about the youngest( I admit to doing this most often) or grouping them as "the boys". So I will start with Riley my firstborn son....
Riley fits the role of big brother well in both good and bad. He cares about them and helps them out and tries to teach them all that he knows, but he can take it a bit far and be a little bossy too.
He is quite smart, he catches on to stuff very quickly and does not need very much instruction. He is great a spelling( he gets that from me) and he likes math( which is good b/c I am terrible at it- he gets this from his dad.) He has an amazing teacher this year, I could not have asked for a better teacher, they work so well together and I know Riley is learning so much from him. He is my techie. He likes to be on the computer, playing the Wii or PS2, watching t.v/videos, playing the Leapster. I anticipate in the future him being up on the new phones, ipads,ipods and whatever else there will be( can you tell I am not that educated on technology, I used to laugh at my parents when they couldn't figure it out, it was simple, Ha! Now I am in their shoes) He loves to hang out with his older cousins( not sure how much they love it, but..) I think he can't wait to be older and it's coming soon enough, he is almost 8! Right now its the middle of winter and he enjoys sledding, but also likes soccer, maybe soon he will try football. He also enjoys riding his dirtbike. He is VERY competitive and does well racing against someone, but when we ask if he wants to go to races he seems unsure. We will see what this summer brings. He also likes to read and is an advanced reader for his grade. He likes a variety of chapter books and will read whatever I pick up at a second hand store. He is a wonderful, loving boy, all his own and we love him to pieces.