Monday, January 26, 2009

Whats a Girl to Do?

I am so sick of winter and ready for the warmer weather and being able to get outside on a regular basis to do more activities. My husband has been stuck in Texas for the weekend and still has nothing coming home. He's already been gone for 8 days! I get really bored at night, we talk to each other, but I dont have the company of him sitting next to me. After awhile I dont know what to do with the boys either, they are constantly with me and I cant get a break b/c its just me, my husband is stuck in Texas. Sorry just a little venting on this post. AHH the life of a truckers wife. I give single mothers alot of credit. Got any activity suggestions for me to do with the boys or for me when they are in bed, besides watch t.v or the computer would be great.


  1. I feel for you!! I would go crazy too!! Not sure of anything too exciting to do when the boys are in bed except some sort of crafty project maybe? Boys aren't quite as fun to make things for as girls though--I'm not sure they'd really appreciate you taking up bow and headband making:-)...maybe if your new baby is a girl you can give that a try. Are you going to find out what you're having?

  2. hey there,
    yes we are going to find out what were having, hopefully on Feb.12
    Your right too, the boys are not into crafty things at all. They need that fresh air and backyard to run around in and wrestle. Thanks for the craft idea though, i will keep that in mind in case we have a girl.

  3. Hey Emily - I know how you feel. John was gone for a week and a half right before Christmas for work. I had 2 kids under 2. It does suck!!! Then he gave me the news yesturday while he was working he has to go away again.... :( Getting a new job position is good - love it!!!! BUT having to go away really sucks.
