Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Levi Cooper

Here he is, finally! Levi Cooper was born on Sunday, June 21, 2009 and 6:04 am. He was almost 2 weeks early. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 20.5" long (he is the biggest of all my boys in height and weight) The labor was longer than the rest, but the easiest by far. My water broke at 10:00 at night (at home this time instead of the Wal-mart parking lot :)), got to the hospital at 11:00 which around the time the contractions started, but they were not terrible and I had an epidural by midnight, so not much pain was felt. Watched a little t.v. , took a little nap, then around 6 it was time to push and in less than 5 minutes he was out. So thankful for an easy delivery, I think the days after are worse than the actual labor, the epidural is wore of by then :) But we are so glad that he is here and healthy and a part of our family. He is our last baby, I had that taken care of while I was in the hospital, so I am trying to cherish every moment with him. He is a very calm and content baby, even with all the noise that his brothers make, so I feel very blessed. I could post a ton of pictures, but dont really have a lot of time with the 3 boys, but most of you that read this have Facebook and there are more pics on there.
Our family

Friday, June 5, 2009

36 Week Belly Picture

I have finally reached the 36 week mark, YAY!! The countdown can now begin, I am sooooo ready to meet him. I had an appt. on Thurs. and without going into great detail, I am a 1 and things are starting to move in the right direction. Now I go every week until I deliver, which is hopefully soon. I'm trying not to get my hopes up about him coming early, but its hard when the other two did. Anyway I have been "nesting" like crazy. I did this with all my pregnancies. I clean/organize cupboards, wash walls, I even painted the living room/dining room area, and I LOVE it!! I have even hauled down some of the babys stuff, now I just have to keep the boys out of it. I will leave you with a picture, the final one!