Sunday, March 21, 2010

9 months

Levi is turning more into a big boy than my little baby. He loves to be around his brothers and watch what they are doing. He's always in their toys, crawling into places he shouldn't be and then getting stuck and crying for help. He pulls up to things and plays with whatever he can reach. He likes to "walk" around holding your hands. He has just started to open up the cupboards/drawers in the kitchen so time to baby proof again. I always have to remember to shut the doors so he doesn't fall down the steps now and he has even begun to climb up them. He is a very busy boy. He still drinks 3 bottles a day and eats 3rd foods, baby snacks and some table foods. He also got his 3rd tooth on the top, but it was not one of the front ones it was one to the side?! He has finally given up his 3rd nap and has 2 big naps, one in the morning and afternoon. He has his 9 month appt. on Tues and I need to schedule his pictures this week, so I will post that stuff by the end of the week.

enjoying his freedom after a bath
he loves to eat and sure made a mess with those biter biscuits

this is a little bit of a goofy picture, but he's showing off his big boy teeth (hes had them since 5 months)

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