Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Three Sons (no, not the t.v show).....ITS A BOY!!!

We had our ultrasound today and found out that we are having another boy. Everyone was wrong, but Riley- he guessed it from day one. He was not being very cooperative. He was curled up on one side and he would not move, no matter how much the lady tried. So, either I have a real lazy baby or a very stubborn one :) I actually have another ultrasound scheduled for next month b/c they could not look at/measure all the stuff that they needed too and she had a hard time seeing his parts, but said she would be suprised if it was a girl, so the lady was not 100%sure so, hopefully he cooperates next time and opens them legs wide, but otherwise everything else seems to check out good and thats what i'm most thankful for. Im not going to post pics b/c of the way he was postitioned I really didnt get any good profile or face shots. He did like to show off his feet though. Maybe the next ultrasound I will get better pics and post those.


  1. Congrats on having another little boy!! How fun that you get to see him in a month again!!

  2. Congratulations! I hope all is doing well with this pregnancy and keep us posted!!!

  3. That's great news, Em. And now you won't have to change the name of your blog. It'll still be you and all your men! :)
